Breed Identification Dog (External Lab)

119,79 99,- excl. BTW

  • All Breeds
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UGS : H691 Catégories : , , , , , Étiquette :


Each dog is unique with its individual physical and behavioral traits resulting from various factors like genetics, training and environment. This breed identification test can provide an insight into the breed ancestry of your dog. The test identifies the genetic breed makeup of all the possible pedigree trees in the last three generations. The potential breeds in the ancestry of your dog are determined by analyzing more than 1800 genetic markers. Testing procedures were designed to provide reliable and accurate results. This breed identification test is based upon a database of more than 350 validated breeds. If your dog contains other breeds, which are not actually available in the database, it may result in the identification of breeds, or a combination of breeds, related to the breeds in the ancestry of your dog.

Informations complémentaires






Swab, Blood EDTA, Blood Heparin, Semen, Tissue, Swab, Blood EDTA, Blood Heparin, Semen, Tissue


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